Saturday, December 6, 2008

Once upon a time...

in a little town called not Bethlehem, that's a whole different story...there was a girl, a princess to be exact. She was very loved and cherished by her Father. He had loved her and rescued her many times from her childish ways. She was a very curious girl full of wonder and a deep fascination with life, music and love, which her Father took great pride in for it was He who had placed those treasures in her. Alas she had not had the best experiences in the latter area, for her heart had a very bad habit of running away at the first in-cling of "love" and affection, always forgetting the everlasting, real love her Father had for her.
          Although this had not happened in a very long time and she had kept very tight control over her little heart so as not to be caught off guard, it just so happened that one day a handsome prince wandered across her path.
    What a way he had with words, a gift to be sure. It seemed as though when he spoke he was turning something inside her, like a key in a lock. Had she finally met her match, a kindred spirit to share in the adventures of life? A friend, a brother, a true love?
        In spite of the deep warning in her spirit to flee and not pursue this another step she took a closer look down the path after the prince, and then throwing caution to the wind she followed him, her heart full of energy and emotion, as if she could conquer anything! Who was this prince? Where would the path take him? How exciting this all was and how happy she felt to have crossed paths with him!
     But oddly, as time went by her heart began to feel faint and weary. Although the prince was always sweet, endearing and kind there was something missing and her heart hunger grew great within her. So she gave more out of her heart thinking it would bring fulfillment and make the nagging feeling of pain go away. In fact, she gave it all away, her heart, her thoughts, her dreams, her intimacy all laid out for the prince to see and take.
    And although the prince took what was pleasant to him and gave of himself in return, the princess was left puzzled at the deep sense of loss she felt. She was not floating on the clouds anymore feeling full of now it was becoming clear what a sad choice she had made, indeed that her little heart had again run away with her. The prince, no matter how loving or sweet or kind he was, could never fill her heart hunger; in fact she realized perhaps the prince has this same affliction and his heart cannot be filled by her either!
        What a sad reality for the two. The princess withdrew into her thoughts and pondered and searched her heart for the answer. With deep remorse she turned back down the path and with a heavy heart she walked.
        At this time it happened that the girls Father with great compassion and tenderness came looking for her, knowing she had stepped off the path and was lost deep in confusion and brokenness. There she sat by the side of the path, sad and perplexed and full of shame. She knew better, her spirit had warned her and yet she again was cast the fool. And the world was laughing at her, how could she ever go back home now?
        Just then a gentle and familiar hand rested upon her shoulder. He had come for her, after all she had done, after all her foolish choices, her Father's love cut deep down through all the lies and muck and proved it was His path alone that would prove faithful. She was so ashamed and saddened by her waywardness, she was afraid even to look at Him.
    His great arms reached down and encircled her and then she began to cry and weep. For at that very moment, knowing the depth of her own betrayal to His perfect plan, she saw that He also had a perfect plan for her failure.
    What love is this? This is true love, true steadfast love. The love of Heavenly Father for his daughters and sons, princesses and princes alike. The prince in the story has a story of his own, much like the princess. One day he too will sit down on the side of the path, stop running away and allow his Father to comfort him and heal him. And what a wonderful day that will be for he too has many treasures to be released which the Father placed in him and many gifts to share in the fullness of Heavenly Fathers love! 
    May the joy of salvation prove an irresistible fragrance to all who receive it with all their hearts and minds and souls and spirits!
    The story of the princess continues...albeit hand-in-hand with her loving Father, walking upon His perfect path, pursuing His protection and direction and finally, finally putting her whole heart into His very trustworthy hands.