Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dignity & Energy & Joy

Guess just like many out there I've balked at actually having a blog. Am I behind the times? Maybe, but that's ok with me. I've been known to follow the beat of my own drum; sometimes to my benefit and sometimes to my chagrin. So...hmmm...what to write in my very first blog?? (brain pencil tapping)...
My 32nd birthday has recently come and gone and with it I think I've come to some conclusions...maybe even some profound ones.
  1. Jesus must be the primary focus and I must find out what that means for me.
  2. Men will never fulfill my deepest needs for intimacy, romance, compassion and friendship.
  3. Jesus will never get tired of me or hang up on me or fall asleep on me or be insincere or unkind in any way. He will always find me fascinating and precious.
  4. I feel like I'm finally growing up..a little:)
  5. Dreaming and living out those dreams no matter how great or small, is a real act of honor and worship unto God when done with a heart of love and submission to Him.
  6. May my heart be quick to run to His arms and fast to cry out for help when I'm faced with temptation and the strong sway of the "old-man". His grace alone is sufficient.
  7. Dignity & Energy & Joy are viable products of walking out the above statements.

1 comment:

  1. i cry at this. Especialy 5. Oh 5 is so true, that is a realisation that i am now trying to live out is my dream... and # 3. how i too must hold that to my heart...i love you.
